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A blog about opening A Swell Yarn Shop, knitting and the rest of the stuff that makes life fun :)
We discovered that butternut squash is now our all time favorite of all squashes! Can you believe this was the first time we had ever tried it! Yuuuuuummmmmy!
Then we carved our two pumpkins that totalled 101 pounds together. Holey Moley!!!
I was a little intimidated with those snazzy pumpkin carving patterns, but it really wasn't all that bad.
We now have our yard fully decorated with cobwebs, talking skeleton heads and giant spiders....We definitely are the most spirited house on the block!
I loved the non-bleedingness of this stuff. Mind you, I was a bit impatient and didn't let the thickener dissolve completely and had little jelly balls all over everything, but it still turned out great!
Then the wait begins! 24 hours of waiting to be exact. Ugh. Then, 23 hours later (yes, I am impatient) I rinsed it out and Viola!
Pretty Cool, HUH?!
During all that wait time, I did something I haven't done in a looooooong time! I pulled out the crochet hook. I have been itching to make a wrap for a long time and figured since I was already goofing off this weekend, I might as well go allllllll out and whip out the crochet hook!
The great thing about crochet is how flippin' quick you can whip something out! I polished off a skein of Original Duet Sock Yarn in two days!!!! WOW! The color above is Chantily Lace.
What a fun weekend! Fun projects and fun people! Can't ask for much more than that in a weekend :)
I do hope you are really able to see the look of this yarn...Never have I seen a yarn this pretty, and feel so gentle and be a durable superwash! I am so excited!This yarn makes me think of a commercial from long long ago. The Charmin commercials....that lovely display of all the soft squishy Charmin and that person that just wants to squeeze it and that clerk that says 'don't squeeze the Charmin' and the person just can't resist and squeezes the Charmin.
Today, I am working on getting the labels on these naked skeins of yarn, then they will get uploaded to the website! I CAN'T WAIT to hear what you think of these yarns once you try them!
As you already know, my critters are my babies! My angora buns have been inside the house with us for the better part of a year and we did our best to make it the most comfortable environment for them. Well, angora bunnies have those super warm fur coats and no matter how cold I kept the house in the winter (while we shivered and layered our clothing) and did my best to keep it cool in the summer, I knew that they just needed to be outside to be comfortable. So Mr Ken built this! The bundo! They have more hay to romp around in than any bunny can ever hope for. They can make as big a mess as they want and hop around for hours on end! And check out the fort on the left! They are loving it and are much happier now that they don't have to deal with the temperatures that us humans without fur coats need. Daisy demostrates how she enjoys taunting Pearin while she hops around for her play time.
Our home is definitely 'under construction' in so many ways, but everything is moving along and once it's all done we will have a home back, super happy bunnies and a yarn workshop....a dream come true!!!
Living here in the Seattle area, we don't actually get to 'sundry' the tomatoes. The sun seems have decided that summer is now over and it's fall now. It hasn't stopped raining in days. Great news though, you can still make sundried tomatoes. We have our oven loaded right now, set at 175 degrees and these little guys will be in there at least 24 hours. Probably more though since the oven is so full with them. The shocking part of this is, it may look like a lot of tomatoes, but once they are done, they will probably all fit in one large mason jar and be eaten in about a week! Even so, it is soooooooo worth it for that sundried yumminess! :)
In addition to all this tomatoe yumminess, I am so excited to say that I FINALLY GOT INTO RAVELRY! WoooooHooooo! Lots of people have linked to me to add to friends like (THANK YOU) but I am still figuring out what to do with that feature. I found the Lucky Lurker Group with lots of people working on their first installment of lucky lurker (I am a member now and getting the hang of posting in there). I also found two doggy knitting groups that I had to join :) I am a sucker for anything animal related!!! :) Come find me in Ravelry, I'd love to hear from you!!!!