A Girl's Gotta Knit

A blog about opening A Swell Yarn Shop, knitting and the rest of the stuff that makes life fun :)

Friday, April 02, 2010

Going a different way

With the usual winter slow down for yarn sales still in progress my creative juices needed a new outlet. With baby on the way, I figured I would combine my dying skills with baby neccessities.I came up with these! Tie-dyed and screen printed onesies.
The coolest onesies I have ever seen, (I haven't seen that many, but still-they ROCK)
So I have been learning both screen printing and how to make all the supplies for that AND dying on cotton fibers (which is dramatically different that wool dying). I am having a ball with it....so much so I opened up a show on Esty.
You can find these and lots of other onesies right Here.
These are not your Target or Walmart style here, oh no...these are for the cool & unique babies out there that dress in one of a kind items.
Rock ON!!


At 3:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Angela!
Fun baby crafting... I wanted to point you to this site for blank baby clothes. They make this stuff for tye-dyers. http://www.dharmatrading.com/html/eng/681426-AA.shtml

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Angela said...

couldn't figure out how to post on your blog :P
Hey Diana-
I knew you had gotten married (I totally knew that was meant to be for your two :)) But I didn't know about baby!! Congrats!!!
I actually already knew about dharma trading...buy tons of supplies from them!
I hope all is going great & you guys are having tons of fun :)
Take care!

At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those baby onesies are so cute!

At 8:22 AM, Blogger Holly said...

These are awesome!


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