Home again, home again, jiggidy jig

Mr Ken was a festival husband for the weekend. He kept and eye on the dogs, made all the meals and brought hot cooked lunches to our booths. What a guy! More than once or twice those lunches almost got snagged by other knitters as he carried them to the booth :)
As for shopping at OFFF, I was a very very very good girl (maybe too good). I tried and tried to justify the purchase of the Louet Victoria spinning wheel...but knowing I have a very portable drop spindle, I could not. I tried and tried to justify the purchase of a pygora fleece, but knowing I had 7 fleeces (NO, NONE of the are pygora!!!) I told myself I had to finish spinning those before I added to my stash.
So, I left with this beautiful merino/tencel roving and teeny bit of fake cashmere! That's IT! This is an absolute record for me!!!! I started spinning the roving and it has a very different feel than my usual merino or BFL rovings! I love the luster in the roving, but I am a bit indifferent about how shiny the yarn is looking. I will save my final opinion for after I ply it...I have never knit with shiny yarn, it's never really been my thing, so we will see.
All in all a great time!!! And since knit night was last night, it was fun to hear what everyone else found while they were down there. One of our 'knotty knitters' went completely off the wagon and bought a Lendrum wheel, combs, fleece and yarn! The amazing part is this person wasn't me or Joanne...WOW!
For those of you who were there, I hope you had as great of time as I did! For those of you much too far away to join in the fun, I hope you have a fiber festival just as fabulous near you!!!