Hi all,
A co-worker of mine adopted this small chihuahua last week. They have three children (small dogs tend to be very afraid of children) and a very busy household and the situation did not work out at all. I have taken in this chihuahua and want to find her the best possible home. Her name is Lulu and she weighs less than 10 pounds.
Her main goal seems to be to give snuggles and show enthusiasm for treats :) She is fantastic at sitting in your lap while you knit (and she comes with two hand knit sweaters:P). We did chores and yard work this weekend, during which time she simply found her way back to bed and napped.
She travels incredibly well and is always excited to go somewhere! She is very good about staying in her seat when she must and excellent at sitting in your lap when she can and is so small that she isn't in the way at all. She loves to be carried anywhere! This dog would do great as a side-kick. She did beautifully while she was with me at work and can join you while you do anything else. I am not much of a leash person and Lulu is very good at sticking close by...no problems running off.
She is doing suprisingly well with our two big dogs-rather than hiding from them she is just steering clear of their big ole paws. Guppy(my other little dog), on the other hand, is clearly bummed about his cuddle spots always being filled by her and is not liking his 'center of my world' position being invaded. Lulu has so much love to give and she doesn't seem to mind share attention with another small dog.
She is potty trained and we can see signs that she has had some basic training. She is an incredibly good dog. Once she is in her forever home, she will easily do well with a regular routine and consistent commands.
Lulu is such a great dog and the longer she is with us, the harder it is going to be to see her go, but we don't have the best home for her. With 3 dogs, a bunny and a cat, we are too crowded as it is and I know that there is a far better home out there for Lulu...one without children, where she can be the only dog and one where she can have someone to be devoted to...I know that she would be so much happier than in the full house that we have. I just want to find the best home possible for her!
If you or if you know any one that has the perfect home for Lulu, please pass along this e-mail and my e-mail address angelamazour@yahoo.com and be in touch.
Thank you everyone for getting the word out!!!