So the other day I had the TV on in the background and a show came on called 'Evening Magazine' which is a program in our area that highlights events, unique things, and stuff you probably didn't know about our area. Well, on this day they were showing 'Dancing with Dogs'. This was a dance competition where owners and their dogs had chorographed a dance together. This event had about 10 participants and 3 judges, so not real huge by any means, but news worthy for a local evening program.
This got me thinking...'I wonder if they know about Stitch n' Pitch?' Turns out it all started here right here in Seattle 3 years ago at a Mariner's Game (Go Mariners!) and is now a national event. Hunderds of knitters turn out, some dudded up in feather boas and goofy hats, some in clusters with their local knitting groups (we have lots and lots and lots of Stitch n Bitches around here), some just there for the yarn shop booths, and some there for the chance to drink beer while watching a game and knit-all at the same time.
So, I dropped Evening Magazine an e-mail to their story tips e-mail. The response I got made me realize how few people actually know about knitting! Fellow knitters know how big it is, husbands/boyfriends/significant others know how big it is, family members know how big it is.....but the local news station was not a believer!!! Their response was..."the obvious question is why would you go to a game just to knit"...since this question didn't seem that obvious to me I responded, "it's not going to the game to knit, it's knitters going to the game!" I imagine he invisioned lots of little old grannies with their crochet hooks making afghans!
Right then I realized that a 'Dog Dancing Competition' with 10 participants is far more recognized than all us thousands (and thousands) of knitters, with all the events that we do (knit in public, stitch n pitch, charity knitting and so many more than I can list).
So to this, I say everyone who's Stitch n Pitch has not already come and gone-Do it up in style! Go crazy and really get us knitters recognized! People still haven't noticed that there are more than 10 of us knitters out there, they haven't noticed that we aren't all little old ladies knitting afghans for our grandchildren, they haven't noticed that we are a trendy, spunky, fun, happy bunch. They simply haven't noticed us at all....
So to that, I realize I need to go feather boa shopping!!!!!