So I didn't get the socks done. Mainly because, after so much sock knitting, I found that I have a very uncomfortably sharp pain in my right wrist. Not sure what's going on there, but I figure if I leave it alone for a bit it will go away.
Instead of knitting, I tried felting. It was SO MUCH FUN!!!! I started off with some CVM fiber-just plain fiber. Then layered it. Added hot water and soap and rubbed the heck out of it and when I thought I was done I rubbed some more. I should have taken pictures along the way, but I really had no idea what I was doing.
It created this super soft (CVM is GREAT stuff) sheet of felt. Then I cut out a booty pattern (don't get excited moms and moms-in-law, I did a booty because it was a good, small first project...no other reason. sorry :P) and hand stitched it together as well as around the edges in a pink thread.
They turned out so darn cute I can't wait to do more!!!! Now, inspired by felt I have been searching for great books with great ideas for inspiration for more projects, but have come up very short....there just isn't much out there on the subject. I found
this book available only in the UKwhich looks great-I ordered it and paid a pretty penny for the shipping but it looks as though it will be worth it!