Well, the dust is finally starting to settle after all the wedding stuff. With a big Phew! and a huge sigh of relief, I can't begin to tell you how happy I am to look forward to some normal-ness (relatively speaking). All in all, next to buy our house, I think that wedding was the most stressful thing I had every done in my entire life! But the great catch to it all was that it was getting so stressful and everything was going so terribly wrong during the planning of it, that Ken and I wanted this to be a special and fun time for us so we ran off to Las Vegas a month before the wedding and got married by Elvis!!! Then during the ceremony at the 'official' wedding we announced that we were already married :) There were lots of shocked people and we were pleased that everyone got such a kick out of it. I don't have the wedding pictures yet, but here are a few from our
honeymoon I did get lots of knitting done while in Cabo...gotta say, it's pretty dang cool to be knitting on the beach with 2 for 1 mango daquiris! :P I do want to add, that the fish I caught I had intended to catch and release, however it was injured as a result of the bait and we had to keep it...but I did reel it in entirely by myself!!!
Now that we are back I am so thrilled to announce that
A Swell Yarn Shop is now carrying handpainted roving

We are in the middle of naming the colorways and adding pictures to the website so check back because they will soon be avaible for purchase.
Along with the rovings we will also be adding drop spindles to our site! They are a very basic and very inexpensive spindle, so they are great for just starting out and not spending a fortune to do it.