Penny Pinching!
In these tight economic times, we-just like everyone else, have found our incomes drastically cut and searching for ways to cut costs.
I noticed that Oprah was having a show on the 'thriftiest family in America' so I DVRed the episode to see if I could get some great cost cutting tips.
Some of the things were as simple as unplugging things when you aren't using them. Apparently 10% of all energy costs go to things that are plugged in but not even turned on! How crazy is that?! So now I go around unplugging anything and everything I can. It's a little tedious...but the woman on there that did it went from a $260 power bill down to a $62 power bill. I like that kind of savings :)
Then there was another woman that was 'the queen of coupons'. Her story was shocking! She had a grocery bill of over $120 and after all her coupons were taking off, it was $37-WOW!!! I have never been a coupon clipper. I figured the effort to save $0.55 was not worth my time. After seeing how her savings added up I rescued the Sunday paper and all it's ads from the recycle bin and started clipping. We picked up some of our Thanksgiving fixin's and after my coupons and special prices, I saved $55.47! While our bill was no where as low as $37 I was happy with my efforts and will be anxiously awaiting this week's Sunday paper. :) Now, if I can just figure out those double coupon days and where that happens at...I will make a killing on my savings!!!!
Well, gotta go. Got some lamps to go unplug!!!!