Mom and Mom-in-Law- No need to get excited

A blog about opening A Swell Yarn Shop, knitting and the rest of the stuff that makes life fun :)
Lucky Lurkers are always offered their spots in the next round first...
Then I have an open registration for newcomers hoping to become
Lucky Lurker Members
That open registration begins 9am March 24th.
You should know that judging by the number of current Lucky Lurkers e-mailing and asking if they will be able to hold their spot, the number of spaces for newcomers may be in short supply.
The next round of Lucky Lurkers will have patterns for anything from Socks to Stuffed Critters to anything in between...because sock yarn isn't just for socks any more!!!
PS. Yes, the patterns will be available after the close of the following Lucky Lurker round (ie patterns from round 1 will be available on the website during round 3, etc)
Good luck to everyone who hopes to join the upcoming round of Lucky Lurker Club and happy knitting!!!
My splurge purchase was this apple tree- Check this out!!! It has 5 different apples types that will grow on it! Each main branch is a different type of apple. How cool is that?! I am sure this is a well known thing to all of you who know stuff about gardening, but to me this is a brilliant creation! WOW! I can't wait to see all these different apples all over it!
In the midst of all these little projects...Mr Ken needed to spend his Christmas gift certificate and the brand new Cabela's sporting good store which is about an hour and a half away. I don't know how many of these stores are around the US, but it was a sight to see!!!! This photo is their display right in the middle of the entire store!!! Absolutely amazing!!!! I knew we were in for a long day...but after 3 hours in the store (and the 1 1/2 hour to get there and the 1 1/2 hour trip home ahead) I finally had to drag Mr Ken out of there....and believe me, he was like a kid in a candy store-he would have happily stayed for hours more!
I have to admit the place is pretty cool...but I think I am going to encourage him to go with some of his guy friends for his next trip. I am just not as into as fishing lures as you might think!!! :)
To make myself feel a little better about my complete failure at making bread, I whipped out a batch of old fashioned Castile soap. Oils and fats mixed with flesh burning chemicals I can do with success...mixing yeast with flour and water I can't do- What's up with that?! :)
It's been a lot of fun to create these 'natural' things...I feel better about what we are surrounding ourselves with in this house and in our food and I am learning sooooo much along the way. I am actually thankful that I have learned about what is in commercial products so I would have the oppurtunity to 'create' a natural alternatives!!!