OK, so the 4th of July has come and gone already. We live in a neighborhood where they have a HUGE block party and an amazing fireworks show. How amazing? Well, from 5pm on was small stuff and kid stuff. From 9:30pm until almost 12am the fireworks were huge and LOTS of them....my neck actually started getting stiff from looking up for so long. It was SO COOL!
Anyways, what suprises me, is I didn't even take any pictures of all that stuff...instead, I have pictures of the yarn I spun. Can you tell where my priorities are?! :P

This is some pencil roving I got from the knitting expo over a year ago. It's corriedale, so it's pretty scratchy, but excellent for the first time spinning yarn on the wheel!!!

This is 8 oz of merino I got from the Black Sheep Wool Gathering last summer. It is absolutely GORGEOUS. This picture does not do it justice!!!

Then I started this Blue Face Leicester that I got from this year's Knitting Expo. I didn't think it was going to be all that soft after it was spun....but oh my goodness does it feel velvety!!! I can't wait to see how this one finishes up!!!
And on the drop spindle is some
Swell Roving called
I am having such a ball with this spinning stuff, I don't know when I will get around to knitting any of it ;)