A Girl's Gotta Knit

A blog about opening A Swell Yarn Shop, knitting and the rest of the stuff that makes life fun :)

Friday, May 18, 2007

I've been tagged

I have been tagged by Knitalicious!
Here are the rules:
Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write in their blogs the 7 facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog.

Hmmmmm....7 random facts, welll here it goes!
1. I bite my nails, so much so, I even annoy myself!
2. I don't like to wear the color black...I have no good reason why!
3. I am in my thirties and still don't know how to take a shot of alcohol-it will come out my nose if I try, so I just don't try.
4. I am a very 'jumpy' person. If I turn look up and didn't know you were in front of me, I will jump with suprise. The same applies, when I turn corners walking down our hall or when I am cooking in the kitchen. I scary very easily.
5. I can't come up with anything whitty to say, even if my life depended on it.
6. I laugh out loud when something is funny. I will laugh myself to tears if it hilarious.
7. I am completely corny and dorky....I recently realized that I got that from my mother who is even more corny and dorky than me!

Now, time to tag 7 people

Liberty-I still don't have your blog address!!!)
Yarn Beans

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I LOVE this yarn!!!!

I realize that there is a slight possibility that I may be totally biased here, but I gotta say...
This new Skinny Duet Sock Yarn! It has so much spring and bouncy that I love the feel even while I am knitting it! I always have a tough time with yarn splitting as I knit, and this yarn avoids this fabulously because of it's tight twist. A great yarn is every way!!!
Between the Original Duet Sock Yarn and the New Skinny Duet Sock Yarn and all of the amazing colors, I am finding that even when I think of knitting something other than a sock, somehow I end up casting on a pair of socks as a first choice.
Again, I realize that I am probably biased here, but I think these Duet Sock Yarns make sock knitting fun!!!
Happy knitting!!! ~Angela

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

We're BACK!!!

Well, back to the real world!! :)
Mexico, was fantastic as always. We decided that even if we went back every year we still wouldn't see everything. The above picture is me getting my 'Guppy Fix' (yes, I missed my doggy very much) at Atkchun Chen just outside of Playa del Carmen. The have a wild life zoo-which is NOTHING like our zoos here...at most there is a basic yard fence between you and the animals. The above critter is a baby wild bore!!!!!
The below picture is inside the underground caves-which were spectacular. I am not much of a world traveler, but of all nature's creations that I have seen, this was by far the most impressive.

If you would like to see more pictures, go here . I warn you though, there are LOTS and LOTS of pictures, many of Ken and I (because my family checks this blog too) and tons from these caves and the other things we did!

One of the last things we did, which I NEVER thought I would EVER do again, was parasailing! Two years ago, I tried this for the first time and the thing was a 'fr%@gin' lawn chair with a parachute. I was scared out of my mind....so scared I couldn't wave to get them to bring me down, so scared that my camera was on my right hand wrist and I was not about to let go to give the camera to Ken, so all the pictures were taken from my wrist.

This time was in one of those regular ones, and though I was still petrified, and never ever let go (my hands hurt by the time the brought us down) I am glad I did it...it wasn't as bad as the first time...and now I NEVER EVER have to do it again!!! Yay!!!!

Now, onto knitting news!

Sadly, the yarn shortage is still in effect and I won't have any DK weight Duet Sock Yarn for at least a couple more weeks. I was so excited to return and get some great new colors out too!!!

There is a silver lining...I have just created the Skinny Duet Sock Yarn and I will be posting new colors ASAP (probably Wednesday night). But be on your toes...my supply is very minimal!!!! Also, please be aware that I have not written a pattern for this weight yarn, but it will be available on this blog as soon as it is written.

I hope you enjoyed the photos and I hope you are able to get your hands on some of the new yarns!!!

Happy Knitting!!!! Angela