A Girl's Gotta Knit

A blog about opening A Swell Yarn Shop, knitting and the rest of the stuff that makes life fun :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A package arrived for me!!!

I spent the day yarning and running errands. It was cold and rainy and traffic was miserable. The errands took me twice as long as I would have imagined (isn't that always the case) and I was hungry. I don't eat fast food, my tummy was rumbling to hurry home. I was getting drenched as I ran to the door and right there on my door step was a suprise package!!!!

I immediately looked at the return address and noticed it was my 'Yarn Ho' and it was addressed to her 'Yarn Pimp', names that had become just as Duet Sock Yarns began to be discovered just over one year ago. My 'Yarn Ho', like so many of my Lurkers, have been with me since day one.

On more than one occasion, her e-mails of encouragement, compliments and general conversation would have me absolutely rolling in hysterics as I read them. Often Mr Ken would be in the background asking, "what are you laughing at in there?" My 'Yarn Ho' had a way of putting things that would make me laugh hard enough to have tears in my eyes!!!

Not only did she send me this super cool book...she had it signed just for me by Cat Bordhi

Thomasean (Yarn Ho), I am sending you a great big hug via this blog right now!!!! You ROCK!!! I definitely gotta come do a show in your town so that I can meet you in person!!!! :)

A thank you to every one of you who take the time leave a comment here on this blog or an e-mail through the website, you are the reason that these yarns have become what they are...you are the reason I keep making them!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What a welcome back!!!!!

Last week, Ken and I quietly snuck off on a Mexican Cruise....

It was wonderful to get to wear shorts and be in the sunshine and warm weather even if it was for a few days. We missed snow and massive flooding in our area while we are gone. Gotta tell ya, hearing only tidbits about the devistation going on at home and not being able to call to make sure everything was OK was difficult. We were so glad to come home and have our house intact and all our critters safe and healthy!

At the end of the cruise I turned on my phone got the happy beep beep beep of reception when we got back to the US. There was a message waiting for me from a very excited knitting friend....her message was what many of you already know and have already heard...... that 'Yarn Harlot used your yarn and LOVES IT'! she went on to say that she wrote about it on her blog and that my website was completely wiped out of stock!!!
Needless to say, things have been a little busy since I returned a couple days ago...the runs to the post office are pretty big loads of packages, I am done to the bare bones of yarn on the shelf and my to do list has grown a mile!!! I see lots and lots and lots of batches of yarn in my future!!! :)
For those of you who have newly discovered Duet Sock Yarns I would like to say HELLO and welcome to the wonderful world of being a 'Lucky Lurker'. A Lucky Lurker is a knitter who happens to be able to grab up the Duet Sock Yarns before they sell out.

To all my current Lucky Lurkers, thank you for your support, excitement and e-mails about the Yarn Harlot posting!!!!!! And just to ease the mind of you Long Time Lucky Lurkers who have said you are a bit worried that your secret is out and you won't be able to get your hands on Duet Sock Yarn...please don't worry, I am going to keep making the yarn, I am going to keep posting the yarn and you will still be able to get your hands on the yarn, I promise!!! :)

I will post more about our trip (and the fact that I still feel like the boat is still rocking-can you take draminine when you are on land to prevent sea sickness?) and some pictures soon! For now, I have lots and lots of packages to get to the post office!!!!