Thanks for sharing

for sharing photos of their finished Duet Socks!!!
A blog about opening A Swell Yarn Shop, knitting and the rest of the stuff that makes life fun :)
Pick Up Sticks, The Yarn Grove, and Renaissance Yarns (who will also soon have a website where you can order yarn on-line) are all eagerly awaiting their next orders to arrive. Be sure to check in there because each shop will have colorways you've never seen before at A Swell Yarn Shop!!!
I am just about done with my 'Hip Chic' socks (can't post a link...the color is sold out), I only have the kitchner on one heel and the rest of the other heel to go. I think I will have that done by the end of this to come :)
Have a happy week and weekend!!!
This is my motivator-Guppy!! He comes into the kitchen about every hour to see if I am done yet so I can sit the heck down and cuddle with him! He loves skeining time, because that is endless hours of me sitting next to him.
And here you see the finished product! Unfortunately this was shortly after I announced the new colorways were up on the website, so I was sold out for this photo...but that's where they live before they head out across the county to you!
So there ya go... a day in the life of a yarn dyer!
This day was brought to you by YOUR support for Duet Sock Yarns, and the super awesome people who have helped get these yarns to you...One such person is Liberty who is always quick to offer help when the skeining gets tough! She has plays a HUGE part in getting these yarns bundle up to go on the website and out to shops! She is also in the process of designing a childs sweater for use with the Duet Sock stay tuned for that pattern to be out soon!
Happy knitting!!!! ~Angela
Labels: A Swell Yarn Shop, Duet Sock Yarn, Sock Yarn