There are many people who have been a part of that and I want to take a moment to tell them how thankful I am to them and how much I love them.
To Presley; You have changed my world. You are the most beautiful person I have been lucky enough to meet. Your smile is contagious, your happy go-lucky personality is amazing. I am so thankful to get to be your mom.
To my sister, Karla; Thank you for being there for Presley's birth. Without any hesitation, you stayed by my side for the three days it took to bring her into this world. You are an amazing sister and I am so glad that Presley has you for an auntie!
To my husband, Ken; Thank you for all those breakfasts left on my night stand so that I could have a little food in my tummy and be able to stay in bed a little longer in the hopes of a little more sleep. As Presley grows, I have no doubt she is going to get to experience some truly fabulous adventures with you.
To my sisters in law, Trina & Jaime; thank you for being there while I was on bedrest and being a 'back to bed nazi' while I needed to heal. Trina, you went above and beyond each time you were here. I am embarassed and thankful for all the dishes, laundry and cleaning you did. Presley is very lucky to have you as her aunties!
To my friend, Amy; You helped me keep my sanity with your frequent visits while I was home stuggling with feeding for so many months. Without you, I would have forgotten that there was a world outside my door. You patiently encouraged some outtings and helped me realize that I may still have struggles, but I could take them on WHILE being out in the world. You are an amazing friend and I look forward to many more outtings!
To the boob duo, Shawna & MJ; thank you for your ongoing support as I tried to learn to breast feed my daughter. I understand why so many people give up and go to a bottle and without you guys, I may have missed out on the remarkable experience of breast feeding my daughter.
To my mommy partner in crime, Laura; This experience has been all the more exciting having met you and going through this journey at the same time as you. As hurdles arise and triumphs have been achieved, being able to talk to you and share them with you has made this even more wonderful. I am looking forward to many more playdates and conversations!
To all of Presley's Grammies and Pappas; thank you for loving my daughter so much. She is truly blessed to have so many people around her that are proud of her and love her.
To all of our friends and loved ones; your support and encouragement are amazing. Thank you for listening to my never ending stories about her spit up, naptime routines and milestone developments. I am sure it is torture at times and I really appreciate you listening with a smile and a warm heart!!!
2011, I am looking forward to meeting you and seeing what you have in store. Thank you for an awesome 2010...it has been an amazing gift!