Knitting Expo

Over the weekend I was in my first knitting expo for A Swell Yarn Shop. I have been busily preparing for the last couple months. Karen came into town to help out and sell her Sleeping Dragon yarns too! We had a display malfunction prior to opening the booth, but recovered gracefully (but by the skin of our teeth). All in all the expo was a good first experience. Unfortunately, it wasn't advertised too well, so the turn out was pretty low and other vendors were a bit discouraged, but I now feel more prepared for future shows.

It was great to see Karen again (a couple months ago she moved to Utah) and in the midst of being here to help with the long hours at the expo and staying with other friends during her short few day stay, she helped me emmensly with wedding details. With only 9 days left, she asked what I still needed to do for the wedding, and after rambling off my every growing list, being the sweet thing she is, she simply took charge and said...'Ok, after this we will go here, here and here and get this, this and this done'. She even made sure I had the fun attire for the honeymoon-I've been so focused on the wedding, I hadn't even had a chance to think that far ahead to the honeymoon! With several things checked off my list and having such fun while doing it, I am so grateful she was in town to and got to do some of that with her! Thank you Karen!!!!!!!
With A Swell Yarn Shop inventory greatly reduced, I am temporarily closing down the shop to prepare for the new inventory to come. There will me more of the hot sellers, new hand-dyed yarns and I am currently in search of great new products made by knitting enthusists. If you know of any one with a great creation that the knitting world can't live with out and they are looking for a place to sell there product, let me know!!
In the meantime, keep an eye on this blog for exciting updates of these new products. Happy knitting!