Katrina Devastation
I have heard the news reports and seen the pictures of the devastation left by Hurricane Katrina. I also heard a report that families that have taken their beloved pets with them are being forced to leave them behind because they are not allowed on the buses. The thought of these beloved pets suddenly left to fend for themselves in the middle of all the chaos breaks my heart. Both, this organization and this organization rescues animals in situations of disasters. If you can help in any way, they have set up a PayPal donation account. Even $1 dollar can make a difference. And when you give, even when you have little to give, I can tell you from experience... It comes back to you 10 fold!
The Seattle/Everett chapter of Project Linus is teaming up with local sponsors to host a 24 hour Blanket Making Marathon to support the survivors of Hurricane Katrina....and we need YOUR help to make it a success.
Please spread the word!
The first 100 volunteers to register will get free breakfast, lunch and dinner
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